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Перевод: plausible speek plausible

правдоподобный; вероятный; благовидный; умеющий внушать доверие


  1. Of course, there can be pictures that are ambiguous, in that they can be interpreted in more than one way, and even pictures for which there is no plausible interpretation (Figure 13).
  2. That is a plausible, if distant, goal.
  3. In each of the examples in this section, the incorrect reading is plausible (although, obviously, less plausible than the correct one).
  4. ROBERT Maxwell's former chauffeur, who wishes to be identified only as Ted, has a plausible explanation for the demotion of his official car from a Rolls-Royce to a Daimler.
  5. I cannot understand my conception of the world in terms of, or reduce it to, some account of my dispositions, as it seems plausible one might for the rat's (or any third person's) conception of the world and its dispositions.
  6. To my mind, it is simply not plausible that a party already securely in government would allow "an outsider" to bound one fine morning into the Cabinet Room and take charge of 21 individuals - all of whom, unlike him, would know not only what happened there last week but the battles of previous years as well.
  7. Berry's songs are plausible emblems of rock'n'roll rebellion or, at any rate, youthful hedonism.
  8. Consequently, the CEGB needs to convince the inspector not only that the most likely outcome is a negative net-effective cost, but also that the sensitivity of this result to plausible changes in the CEGB's forecasts is not so great that a positive (undesirable) NEC becomes a likely result.
  9. Even so, the autumn might be a plausible time for the election.
  10. Notice, moreover, that this philosophy appears to be in harmony, at least in principle, with that of animal welfare and, adding certain plausible assumptions, anti-cruelty.
  11. Taken together these approaches provide a startlingly comprehensive picture for a plausible understanding of the socio-ecological origins of human life.
  12. It doesn't seem plausible to think that anyone with any knowledge of the difficulties which would have been presented by trying to recover and rebuild enough aircraft to produce the film would have seriously considered the idea.

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