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Перевод: play speek play

игра ; забава ; манера игры; азартная игра; пьеса ; драма ; представление; спектакль ; движение; переливы ; свобода ; простор ; действие; деятельность ; зазор ; люфт ; свободный ход; шатание;
играть; резвиться; забавляться; сыграть; разыграть; поступать; участвовать в игре; ходить; отбивать; подавать; принимать в игру; притворяться; прикидываться; действовать; быть; подходить для игры; играть в азартные игры; играть роль; исполнять; играть на музыкальном инструменте; свободно владеть; давать представление; воспользоваться; порхать; носиться; танцевать; переливаться; мелькать; бить; направлять; обстреливать; приводить в действие; пускать; иметь люфт; давать время хорошо клюнуть


  1. But I take your point that in the studio you tend to play by yourself, as opposed to with four other people.
  2. The Army will play Guernsey in a representative match at the Daly Ground, Bordon on Friday, April 3rd (k.o. 7 p.m.).
  3. Bulls have been observed to mate with as many as 20 females, after much love play, over one and half hours.
  5. Parents and, depending on the circumstances, grandparents and childminders too, have a vital role to play in preventing accidents in the home.
  6. So that, in assessing condition and completeness, the question of rarity must play an important part.
  7. Here we see Bukharin's concept of equilibrium coming into play.
  8. There are a number of different options, and each of these can probably be brought into play together, but broadly speaking they fall under two headings.
  9. That such a prolific goalscorer should choose a club renowned for their attacking play demonstrates the practical considerations which influenced his decision.
  10. Pat it and play if necessary.
  11. However, accidents do happen to school-age children in the course of play, and consistent with the activities of this age group, they suffer fewer accidents in the home (compared with pre-school age children) but more accidents outdoors and in the school playground.
  12. Reports from Bath, where the play previewed last week, say Miss Lipman, above, as a Jewish child-woman of 35, all ankle socks and over excitement, gives the performance of her career.
  13. All the events recorded in this book took place more than forty years ago and memories are apt to play tricks on us, so it may be that I have made a few mistakes.

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