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Перевод: playfulness



  1. It neutralizes moral indignation, sponsors playfulness" ("Notes on Camp", 275, 280, 290).
  2. Dorabella's playfulness is similar to that of Natalia's ward, Vera, when she first dances in A Month in the Country, .
  3. Discussion of poetry was animated, especially of Dante's incomparable genius, but also of the genius of Shakespeare in his poems, especially the playfulness of his young works, which Ash particularly admires.
  4. Dada was a state of mind feverishly exalted by the freedom virus, a unique mixture of insatiable curiosity, playfulness and pure contradiction.
  5. Orton's camp is indeed constituted by playfulness and it acts as a solvent of morality - but it does this to provoke rather than disarm moral indignation.
  6. Peter Brooks, for instance, insists that there has been a metafictional dimension to the novel since its very beginnings but now finds a new degree of emphasis among postmodernists, "a greater explicitness in the abandonment of mimetic claims, a more overt staging of narrative's arbitrariness and lack of authority, a more open playfulness about fictionality" (Brooks 1984: 317).
  7. Thus, classical structuralism, with its cold, formal impersonality, occurs as a reaction to the 1940s existentialist emphasis on the individual ego; and becomes itself overturned or deconstructed by poststructuralist "playfulness".
  8. Instead of "getting on with the job", as the horsemen say, a colt or stallion may respond to the mare with fear, aggression, or playfulness - behaviour which normal animals display towards strange or novel objects.
  9. Solitary dolphins have been known to spend long periods around human settlements, encounters which attest to their humour, playfulness, curiosity and gentleness, and their readiness to help humans in distress.
  10. The dolphin suit enables more complex response to dolphin body language, as mutual mimicry and playfulness are primary means of dolphin communication.
  11. There is admittedly the playfulness of some versions of deconstructionist rhetoric, which read like prose-poetry.
  12. She wasn't in the mood to cope with Kegan's heavy playfulness, the sort of labored gallantry he produced whenever they met at official hospital functions.
  13. But, for Derrida, whose fusion - or (con) fusion - of obscurity and playfulness is an essential element in his textuality, Norris's exposition may represent a process of intellectual tidying up which leaves out something important.

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