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Перевод: playing



  1. In this case, it would be hard to find language indicating more clearly that Mr Clayton intended the land to be preserved and managed as playing fields for all time, or at least for as long as the law permitted.
  2. Certainly all schools, via their classrooms, halls, gymnasia, grounds and playing fields, certain items of equipment, and perhaps teacher skills, have the potential to generate additional finances in a variety of ways.
  3. Playing the piano is as easy for Cziffra as playing tiddly-winks is for you and me.
  4. Paul Rivera has attempted to create an amp for all playing seasons and, by George, I think he's done it.
  5. The film's director, Arthur Hiller, had previously seen Dustin in Journey of the Fifth Horse , and "was bowled over by how convincing and skilful he was playing an elderly man.
  6. I've said all along we were playing with fire."
  7. This record of his playing career and long association with our club is another appreciation of him.
  8. Isabella perceives clearly the game Angelo is playing: here she is angry and frustrated - don't try and make her too "nice" a character.
  9. An old man has been playing the guitar, but he has left off playing to listen to a young shepherd piping.
  10. In addition there was always one band playing and marching to the playing fields and another playing and marching away from there, while huge coaches carrying yet more bandsmen and women manoeuvred in the narrow streets into and out of parking spaces.
  11. Large pupils playing netball with smaller pupils (as opposed to with a ball).
  12. Buchan, nearly 37, was approaching the end of his playing days, and in 1928 left to become a sports reporter.
  13. "The Phil Collins band is a different kind of music entirely, and I do enjoy playing guitar all night.

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