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Перевод: playlet speek playlet

небольшая пьеса


  1. A few historical essays are dropped in, as are some on South Africa and a reported Test match or two, and a rather malodorous 16-;page playlet.
  2. The BBC again showed its playlet PR made clear.
  3. It was to be filmed in a Spanish club off Oxford Street, and I promised my flamenco friend Nuria, who taught me all I knew for my part in the About Face playlet, Seor Duende, that I would don a leotard and flounce for her.
  4. A wide variety of events are planned including the "ICM Thespians" in a playlet, talks on the changing role of the County Court, why so few directors' disqualifications, and legal updates, in addition to social events and, of course, the AGM.
  5. Then Nick - a little playlet of magic and deceit.

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