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Перевод: playmate speek playmate

друг детства; товарищ детских игр; партнер


  1. Is organic sheep farming a natural career move for an ageing Playmate?
  2. The change in attitude was perhaps most clearly evident in Studies of Boy Life in Our Cities , where Urwick and his collaborators saw the boy neither "as an amusing playmate nor as a vagrant from the ecclesiastical fold, but as the product of a still imperfect educational system and the embryo of the citizen who would decide the destiny of a still inchoate democracy".
  3. former playmate of Kate Nickleby's.
  4. Playboy was described as a pleasure-primer, its symbol was a rabbit and its bait was the Playmate of the month, the girl who was unfolded in the centre wearing a staple through her navel but not much else.
  5. The single dog, who has probably been bored for many years, suddenly has a new playmate, who like himself, sleeps most of the time, but will enjoy a game for short periods.
  6. Whereas before the majority of pet dog owners would have just one dog, more and more people now decide to get a second dog - often as a playmate for their first dog.
  7. And he has quite forgotten his past until, during a London visit to his erstwhile playmate, the 92-year-old "Grandma Wendy" (Maggie Smith), Hook (Dustin Hoffman) spirits Banning's children away to Neverland in an attempt to lure his old adversary back.
  8. And not an ageing Playmate.
  9. If you see your small child trying to hurt a playmate, pull her away firmly without slapping and find something else to interest her.
  10. When we asked her more about her playmate, she told us that Dohti lives in a gypsy caravan, had black hair and eyes and was 11 years old.
  11. She found Hyacinth, placid and biddable, an agreeable playmate and Mada Joyce a fine source of entertainment.
  12. Mrs Herbert naturally thought that Dohti was an imaginary playmate.

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