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Перевод: playpen speek playpen

детский манеж


  1. Through the living-room window he can see a playpen, and a child's pot standing on the table.
  2. Maintaining safety in the home is an expensive business and, for families with children, the purchase of recommended safety equipment - such as car safety seats, stair gates, a playpen and a cooker guard - adds up to a considerable sum.
  3. As the child's mobility increases, accidents are often related to play, and when constant adult surveillance cannot be assured, young children can at least be protected by being put in a playpen or securely fastened in a bouncing cradle (placed on the floor), highchair or pram.
  4. Wooden playpen and safety fireguards.
  5. The new apartment consisted of a single room the size of a small warehouse: wholewood desk and table, low-slung black leather chairs, filing cabinets, the playpen of the bed.
  6. Outside he bent to talk to Timmy, caged in his playpen.
  7. He had found the second-hand playpen advertised on a newsagent's board in Norwich and had brought it back on the top of the van.
  8. He and Amy had collected large stones from the beach, looking for those with holes in them - and he had strung them on to strong cord and tied them along one side of the playpen.
  9. Postine had loved guns from the moment her mother had passed a toy replica through the bars of her playpen.
  10. I wouldn't advocate the academic playpen scenario but I seem to remember having some quality of life.
  11. Indeed, the very morning of Mr Frohnmayer's dismissal, the coup de grce had been delivered by Mr Buchanan, with journalistic flourish: he described Mr Frohnmayer's agency as "the upholstered playpen of the arts and crafts auxiliary of the Eastern liberal establishment".
  12. I could make a playpen for him and buy him one of those big wooden Arks with all the animals in and I could get one of those bags you carry babies around in like the Indians have had for centuries.
  13. Many horses which "have" to be kept stabled can be helped by visual and tactile communication (a stable companion, or a hole knocked through partition walls), more bulk in their food, or food which takes more work to eat (turnips, or small-mesh hay-nets), the provision of a playpen outside, and the realisation by the owner that keeping an animal in stressful conditions amounts, quite simply, to cruelty.

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