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Перевод: playroom speek playroom

комната для игр ; детская


  1. Victoria, aged 12, made a beeline for the reconstituted orange juice and sandwiches prepared by a pair of stout volunteer ladies who arrived from Russia themselves a few years back, and two-year-old Oleg was soon roaring about wildly on a plastic fire-engine in the playroom.
  2. (Returning from playroom with five in his arms.)
  3. Children's playground; playroom; paddling pool; children's section of main pool; cots and high chairs.
  4. In the course of this training, one teacher would go to a specific location (sink, outdoors, playroom, etc.) while the second teacher remained with the chimpanzees by the keyboard.
  5. The reconstruction was undertaken by direct labour (ie, the building owner organised and executed much of the work), starting in the spring of 1979, the house and playroom link being occupied in October 1979.
  6. An attached shed to the south of the barn was demolished, and the architect, Timothy Bruce-Dick, decided to infill the gap between the barn and a range of cow-houses which existed to the north with a two-storey structure which would act as a covered link to this northern wing and provide a playroom over garages (Fig 38 and Plate 4).
  7. She and Corrie were allowed to play while the other children attended lessons in alphabets and multiplication tables, but they sat at one end of the long playroom like wilting flowers, still too unhappy at their uprooting to do anything.
  8. It is an extremely practical house, having seven bedrooms, two bathrooms, a playroom, a kitchen and the usual domestic offices.
  9. She sat in a corner of the playroom, dressed in the brown serge dress and white apron she had been given, and tried to think how she could run away.
  10. This family-run hotel has a cosy lounge area, bar, sauna, and solarium, sun terrace, children's playroom, residents' dining room, a la carte restaurant and cafe.
  11. The Tirolerhof's facilities include an a la carte restaurant, two resident's dining rooms, a terrace restaurant, a TV/video lounge, a playroom, solarium, and a free Turkish bath and sauna which open according to demand.
  12. We still had two rooms left to decorate: those intended as a spare bedroom and playroom.
  13. Dot peered in through the tiny curtained windows of the dolls' house and saw quiet furnished rooms, the playroom, kitchen, parlour, waiting to be lived in, a table set for tea, beds to be slept in, armchairs to be sat on.

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