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Перевод: plaything speek plaything



  1. Why does he say all , as if the crown were a toy, a plaything, a mere nothing - when both of us know it means everything to him!
  2. The quintet is Peter Verkhovensky's plaything.
  3. "I wouldn't like one of them to swim up my arse" - Paul Merton, one-time plaything of the Bishop Of Galway, stars in Have I Got News For You .
  4. That put paid to "democratic diplomacy" as anything other than "the plaything of Governments".
  5. Then indeed man was, as Hardy depicted him, the mere plaything of fate; life was a black comedy; perhaps Oscar Wilde was right to regard the aspirations of Little Nell as only good for a laugh.
  6. They became lovers, but Valerie didn't know that Sanquest regarded her as a mere plaything - someone he could have a little fun with; someone he could display before his friends as his latest conquest.
  7. "Piece Of Cake" has that same plaything quality running through it; a record to be cranked up loud, hit with a hammer - but never really forgotten.
  8. I refer to the caption accompanying "Let them live in mud", by Anil Agarwal in your 16 December issue - "Half a world away, in New Mexico, mud bricks are the plaything of the rich" (p 740) and the description in the review by Colin Moorcraft in your 13 January issue of the exhibition "Down to earth" by Jean Dethier, "encompassing all manner of earth buildings from to the trendy latter day eco-huts of New Mexico" (p 110).
  9. It is a kindness to them to say that they misled you, Holly, you were their plaything.
  10. Words are put into the mouths of the unwary, and thirty pieces of silver are offered to "toy-boy" lovers, "plaything" bimbos and ex-Royal servants.
  11. The decision of the Conference, by a margin of nearly three to one, to stay in the Government, fed MacDonald's fears that the newly adopted War Aims would become a mere "plaything of Governments.
  12. Whether these libraries will become a model for the reform of a public library system which has become the plaything of politicians is another matter.
  13. In less than a century the world of sound-recording had expanded from a plaything for amateurs to a world-wide billion-dollar industry, and it looks set to stay that way.

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