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Перевод: playtime speek playtime

время игр и развлечений; время начала спектакля


  1. It's pretty much ready to go but I'm quite keen to extend this playtime period I've given myself.
  2. This was followed by Workers' Playtime - Arthur English and Ken Platt with his catch phrase, "I won't take my coat off, I'm not stopping."
  3. Assessing functional vision will involve careful observation of the child's visual behaviour and ability to cope with blackboard and demonstration work, close desk or table tasks, physical and practical activities and recreation and playtime activities.
  4. At playtime Stewpid heaves over.
  5. "We've got work to do first, playtime afterwards," said Otley, jumping to his feet.
  6. Green's playtime involved getting pissed with the locals during leisurely lock-ins in the village pub, and intentionally losing touch with the big bad world of the music business.
  7. They chant their tables before playtime with tops, skipping ropes and hoops.
  8. PLAYTIME: Johnny raises Princess Eugenie out of the pool
  9. Playtime's over."
  10. So they spend their time changing into and out of trousers - at assembly, at every playtime, at lunchtime and when they go home.
  12. Returning to the circuit after a fairly limited playtime (no aerobatics are allowed), a steady descent of 75 mph at around 1,500 rpm was maintained with full carb heat - essential at all low power settings, as C90s are notorious for icing-up.
  13. But when it comes to playtime, each cat seems to have its own personal, idiosyncratic way of embellishing its playful interactions with its owners.

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