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Перевод: plaza speek plaza

площадь ; рыночная площадь


  1. We had started off in grand style, rattling right round the station plaza with a great tooting of horns.
  2. The young people now seem much freer, and there are young girls drinking with their boy-friends in the bars of the Plaza Mayor.
  3. In Salamanca we often smiled at each other as we passed along a street called Street of the Two Poets - or was it a little plaza?
  4. Looking carefully both ways, he led Erika across the road, on to the gravel plaza, and peered through the metal fence.
  5. Sometimes I would sit in the deserted church of San Madin, a small twelfth-century romanesque building just off the Plaza Mayor, on the Plaza Poeta Iglesias.
  6. "Just go down the plaza here, turn right into the old section of the building, and it's a few doors down on the right.
  7. OY has also missed a C450m principal payment on Toronto's Scotia Plaza development and a 100m principal payment on a New York property.
  8. The 400-bedroom Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza is situated close to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City.
  9. I stayed at the Gran Hotel on the Plaza del Poeta Iglesias, more mortuary than El Escorial.
  10. Rene de Epelbaum, a leader of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, said the pardon "mocks justice
  11. From time to time, walking in the crowded arcades of the Plaza Mayor, my heart would miss a beat as I fancied I saw Jordi mingling with all those similar dark heads and slender figures.
  12. I went to the university on the Plaza de Anaya and climbed the familiar stairway in the Palacio de Anaya.

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