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Перевод: pleasant speek pleasant

приятный; милый; отрадный; славный; веселый; шутливый


  1. After Lloyd chose to bat on a pleasant sunny day, Botham somehow managed to get the ball to swing and took 5 for 72, including his three hundredth wicket in Tests.
  2. For example, you may ignore her persistent whining for attention after one constructive attempt to distract her by suggesting a pleasant and diverting activity (after all, you re having to see to the baby).
  3. Why is it so pleasant to walk down a particular street, drive through a country village with its church, cottages and farms, or visit a country house and gardens?
  4. She thinks perhaps small fish are nibbling at her, but it is pleasant, it doesn't hurt.
  5. But consider the effect of such conversations on the young man of the revolution, listening to his father chatting with their guests after a pleasant meal.
  6. D-i-yers have a pleasant alternative to traditional paints with the launch of an innovative range of water-based paints by Dulux.
  7. The interior generally was pleasant enough plastic and well laid out.
  8. "A pleasant surprise for you, I imagine, President," he said.
  9. "A pleasant, cheerful FO character said 30 October: "It's rather fun to be at No. 10 the night we smashed the Anglo-American alliance.""
  10. In the early years of the nineteenth century, life must have been fairly pleasant in the Lake District.
  11. The common characteristic is the happy acceptance of whatever comes to mind paintings are a stimulus to pleasant experience."
  12. "I suppose Mike out there will be the next to go," he said in a pleasant conversational tone.
  13. In addition to his leadership potential, it is interesting to note the particular emphasis on character and deportment: excellent self-imaging (in cleanliness and clothing); good social awareness (cheerful and pleasant, friendly to everyone); marked intelligence; a fine sense of humour; tendency to boredom ("disinterest"); sportive, especially in sailing and skippering, but a good all-rounder; biddable.

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