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Перевод: pleasantry speek pleasantry

шутливость ; шутка ; шутливое замечание; комическая выходка


  1. He laughed at his own pleasantry.
  2. It is usual to have a closing pleasantry, but you should only use them if they add to the letter in a positive manner: Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
  3. He thought of trying this fancy on Cameron but his face looked so closed and dark, eyes narrowed and mouth-corners turned right down, that it forbade pleasantry.
  4. Charles was tempted to make a quaint Yorkshire pleasantry about the name, but looked at Mrs Sweet and decided against it.
  5. Perhaps this is only a witty pleasantry; it may also be the delight this woman takes in her young friend's success.
  6. It was a promise rather than the usual social pleasantry.
  7. As a parting pleasantry, I reported this to Mrs Brown, our Cardington Road billetor.
  8. Wishart stared at Corbett and laughed as if Corbett had told some pleasantry.
  9. Yet there is no doubt that at earlier periods he was wont often to exercise both his pleasantry and ingenuity in talking Jacobitism."
  10. If only he could unbend and relax, even give a genuine smile or make a pleasantry.
  11. Our after-show supper is aborted by the Camden Bistro's opening pleasantry "We closed at eleven."

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