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Перевод: please speek please

хотеть; изволить; соблаговолить; угождать; угодить; польстить; доставлять удовольствие; получать удовольствие; нравиться; радовать


  1. His eagerness to please ensured that he was put upon, and judging by the worn state of his clothes she guessed he was paid a pittance for it.
  2. For workshops, as there may be limited spaces, please book early by using the attached booking slip.
  3. Please make cheques for 14.95 (which includes postage and packing) payable to Reed Business Publishing Group.
  4. "Please stand up and recite as much of it as you can."
  5. "Please God, make Wayne better," she was saying over and over again, then started as Little Chef stood up on his stumpy back legs to lick her hand.
  6. The parole reforms will please the judges who believe time served should more closely reflect sentence given.
  7. "Do step inside - and please excuse my dress.
  8. Please do not advise your bank or financial institution to cancel the Direct Debiting Instruction if there are other policies under the instruction.
  9. Please send a copy of any reply to the AIBS Refugee Office.
  10. Perhaps, I have digressed a little from my original plan but to all mums who do not have to work, please spare a thought for those who do.
  11. Please accept my application and enrol me as a member of The Literary Guild and send me the introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes provided.
  12. "Please do.
  13. "Two of those, please."

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