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Перевод: pleasing speek pleasing

приятный; привлекательный; нравящийся; доставляющий удовольствие; услужливый; угодливый


  1. Gorleston, on the southern outskirts of town, offers a gentle walk and a pleasing test.
  2. Charlie's combination with George Garratt on our right wing was a pleasing feature of Palace teams of the period, while Charlie himself was twice selected to play for London against Birmingham in inter-city representative matches.
  3. We found the company of small children particularly pleasing at that time.
  4. In an allegedly animal-friendly society, where the rules for pets in public places are generally blurred and often very bad, it's pleasing to put your head down on a strange pillow knowing your pet is just a pat away.
  5. Sarah's eyes lit up and her pale skin coloured to a pleasing pink.
  6. After his fine first season, Wilde continued to make a pleasing and positive impact on the 3rd Division scene.
  7. Instead, it remained a pleasing abstraction, like his fading memories of the Devon fields.
  8. Overall the impression given by the materials chosen for the cabin is pleasing without managing to be friendly.
  9. I want to please you - most of us like to be popular and enjoy pleasing other people.
  10. In 1894 T. H. Huxley wrote to the editor of Science-gossip "To any one who respects the English language, I think scientist must be about as pleasing a word as electrocution.
  11. Sewell lived in a house in College, and it is pleasing to note that in 1807, 50 was set aside by the College for furnishing two ground floor rooms in his house, and for applying oil paint to floor, architrave, dado and skirting, in white, and to the walls in a light French gray.
  12. Willie thought that next to Zach's deep complexion and black hair the red looked pleasing.
  13. The rule of conduct was simply pleasing mother;

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