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Перевод: pleasure speek pleasure

удовольствие; наслаждение; развлечение; воля ; соизволение; желание; отрада ; сласть ;
доставлять удовольствие; удовлетворять; находить удовольствие; искать развлечений


  1. Her greatest pleasure was to pass near Lachlan, see his deep breath and his head turning to follow her, and retire as if unnoticing, straight to the company of his wife.
  2. "I don't think I have had the pleasure of meeting you before," she said, transferring Flossie's lead to her left hand and entangling it dangerously with the milk can, whilst proffering her right.
  3. I went at it with pleasure, front-pointing happily and resting on my ski poles, watching Liena's progress with concern.
  4. All these memories are connected incoherently to my mother: the oozing uterine passage closing in on Superman; the dead man disclosed by nuns so pretty and so erotically close to the nightclub and the sadness of Limelight where, sitting in the dark with her I knew her pleasure at the tale was different to mine, an adult one, beyond me.
  5. In chapter two we looked at the differences between pleasure and happiness.
  6. I had the pleasure of two long talks last year with Professor Amaldi about his knowledge of what the German physicists were doing with their atoms during the war years.
  7. I think a minister has the right to take his pleasure once a week in a football stadium."
  8. Oh, it drenched me with pleasure, even more than contemptible.
  9. His greatest pleasure was to walk with her along the seashore.
  10. There were untold numbers of pleasure boats: some skimming over the bay, while others were closely berthed within the harbour, waiting the evening hour, when they would be in great demand.
  11. It is a valuable means of conveying the pleasure of reading, and as valid at secondary as at primary level.
  12. Waldheim beamed with pleasure as Kohl and the Bavarian Prime Minister, Max Streibl, welcomed him to Munich, where the Austrian president - shunned by most of the world's leading democratic countries because of his still-unexplained wartime record - was feted by a Right-wing crypto-chauvinistic organisation.
  13. He love his friend, the beauty of whose manly limbs made him tremble with pleasure.

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