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Перевод: pleated



  1. A button through style with a face-framing collar in delicate lace, it has an elasticated waist, a stiff self-belt and a full, pleated skirt.
  2. Then she gave one of her small, pleated smiles and said, "It pleased him, I think, to rob his sister.
  3. Handpainted and pleated paper.
  4. Each had a feather-plumed bonnet and the filabeg, the small plaid, heavy wool an arm's length wide and four arm-spans long, pleated and belted at the waist, the free end swung up and pinned over the shoulder of his saffron-dyed shirt.
  5. Particularly prized for the sculptural, pleated leaves are V. album (false hellebore), with its heads of creamy white flowers up to 4ft high, and V. nigrum , with long spikes of chocolate-coloured flowers.
  6. Silky, crpe-de-chine pleated skirt in a choice of three spotted colourways.
  7. Alison, always simply and elegantly dressed, was wearing a white pleated skirt and a light green blouse which set off her red hair, "cooled it" as Jack said.
  8. As big Mary pulled heartily at the pleated rope of the bell, a loud murmur of voices and footsteps sounded along the road west.
  9. The shirt is traditional in style, the main features being: a collar and yolk, a pleated vent down the back beneath the yolk, two large chest pockets with buttoned flaps and a section for pens/pencils.
  10. As well as the traditional cotton pique polo style shirt (which comes in 10 colours), there are cap sleeve blouses for the women; and alongside the classic short, there are culottes, wide box pleated and wrap over skirts.
  11. Finally, if you would prefer pleated, cream shading contact Two Wests and Elliott Ltd, Unit 4, Carrwood Road, Sheepbridge Industrial Estate, Chesterfield, Derbyshire.
  12. Standing over him, she saw how very old he must be, with the skin of his face and neck pleated in heavy folds of wrinkles and his wild hair quite sparse and white, and only her respect for his years prevented her from shaking him.
  13. Where to hang the steaming kit for a shadow pleated skirt is always quite a problem.

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