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Перевод: plebiscite speek plebiscite

плебисцит ; референдум


  1. A proposal for constitutional reform to allow a national plebiscite on the reintroduction of the death penalty in Brazil, for kidnappings, burglaries and rapes resulting in the victim's death, was approved by a Congressional Commission of the House of Deputies in December 1990.
  2. The process took exactly one year from the coup d'tat and on 2 December 1852 came a second plebiscite which put a formal proposition to the electorate: "The people wishes to re-establish the Imperial dignity in the person of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte"
  3. De Valera's Republicans decided to contest seats in the North and thus allowed Prime Minister Brooke to present the election as a plebiscite on partition and the existence of Ulster.
  4. At a meeting of the Party's Central Committee yesterday, a Politburo member, Leszek Miller, said that a nationwide plebiscite also showed that more than half of the Party's two million members agreed that "the present form of the party is outdated and cannot face the new conditions".
  5. However, at one stage, different conditions were laid down for different nationalities: a national plebiscite was demanded in order to ratify independence for Poland, Courland and Lithuania, whereas a vote of workers alone was required for the Ukraine, the Caucasus republics and Latvia.
  6. Mr Mann insists that Punjab must be a homeland for the Sikhs, brought into being by a UN-supervised plebiscite.
  7. These did, in fact, seem to be settled by a plebiscite held in May 1870 in which the people were asked to approve " the reforms carried through since 1869 by the Emperor with the assistance of the major organs of state (i.e. the Senate and the Legislative Body)".
  8. Once the Republican intervention had made the election into a plebiscite on partition, pressure was put on Porter to withdraw to avoid unionist vote splitting.
  9. The administration will also hold a plebiscite within the next six months for the approval of constitutional reforms.
  10. Dublin had feared that up to 6 billion in EC aid could be lost if pro-life campaigners turned the forthcoming referendum seeking approval for the Maastricht Treaty into a plebiscite on abortion.
  11. Not as strong as all that, however; for if the internal difficulties were eased because the government's hand was strengthened by the plebiscite, the problems of making the new Constitution work did not go away.
  12. The new regime submitted itself to a plebiscite on 28 December and the result was a resounding success for the Prince president.
  13. Aquino in favour of US base plebiscite

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