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Перевод: plectrum speek plectrum

плектр ; медиатор


  1. I live overseas, in an area devoid of music shops stocking anything more advanced than a plectrum.
  2. Make sure that you play each chord as a single unit, and don't drag the plectrum; also make sure that the right hand is in control at all times, especially on the middle and lower regions.
  3. HE'S THE Tynemouth tyke, the cheeky chappie with the porkpie hat, award-winning dimples and, erm, a plectrum glued to his forehead.
  4. As mentioned, a plectrum extracts the most from the system; fingerstyle playing, with its up-stroke action, tends to negate the effect of the drones, although this can be advantageous when a more traditional sound is required.
  5. These extra guitar-gauge strings lie on the topside of each "bass" string, so using a plectrum lets the instrument operate to maximum effect, since the drones are struck first - as with a 12-string guitar.
  6. As John struggles to find another plectrum, I mention that I'd always thought of him as a fingerstyle player
  7. Carefully, almost lovingly, he pulled the instrument across his knees and began to pluck at the strings with a plectrum fashioned from tortoise-shell.
  8. "MORRISSEY TRIPS out again on mellow folkiness, while Johnny Marr plays with a plectrum plucked straight from heaven."
  9. The programme might have said more about technique - what, at plectrum level, made him tangibly different from the folk-group strummer - but was a thorough biography and survived the expressive limitations of rock anecdotage: "His attack to a guitar was, oh, something else "
  10. No one seemed to want to serve me so I walked out and went home without so much as a plectrum!
  11. A plectrum helps with accuracy, also adding attack and brightness to the sound, so as such it would appear to be the required compromise.
  12. The only surprising thing about Hooker's hit-single spawning album is that, after all these years, he can render the title track in a fashion that's unbelievably fresh, though some of the credit for this particular achievement must be down to guitarist Jimmie Vaughan, who delivers an array of licks in a manner that must have Stevie Ray beaming way up in plectrum heaven.
  13. It's not an "instant" way of playing, whereas, especially with units like the Trace Elliot here, using a plectrum tightens up the response time in terms of attack.

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