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Перевод: pledge speek pledge

зарок ; обещание; залог ; заклад ; обет ; публичное обещание лидера партии придерживаться определенной политики; поручительство; тост ; подарок ; дар ;
закладывать; отдавать в залог; обещать; давать торжественное обещание; ручаться; заверять; связывать обещанием; пить за здоровье


  1. This committee acted as the co-ordinator for the activities of many other organizations, including the Spanish Medical Aid Committee, the Spain Foodship Youth Committee, the League of Nations Committee, the Peace Pledge Union, and various local councils of action and ad hoc bodies.
  2. Unfortunately many couples make that pledge and then proceed to deal with their finances in a very "his and hers" mode.
  3. Please pledge your support below and we will send you a Running Vest or "T" Shirt and sponsor pack.
  4. But I give you this pledge.
  5. The 1970 elections were won by a coalition of left-wing parties, led by a Marxist, Salvador Allende, with a radical programme which included a pledge for a total and speedy programme of agrarian reform.
  6. It is a pledge that only the Conservative and Unionist Party can give.
  7. Hostage pledge
  8. John Major juggled a pledge to privatise the rail and coal industries with plans for a citizens' charter to guarantee public services.
  9. Military "no coup" pledge.
  10. When the Data Protection Committee was set up in 1976, to redeem a pledge made by the Home Secretary when Younger reported, It had no such limitation put upon it - it was in fact the first body empowered to investigate information systems in the public sector, and the Committee came to see this as a major aspect of its work.
  11. Our pledge 51
  12. Daphne's response to this remembrance is to pledge obedience to her mother's memory by forgetting Cynthio and embracing her sister shepherdesses.
  13. There was some attempt made to reach agreement at the continuous disarmament talks but the only real progress was a pledge not to test in the Antarctic, a gesture of more value to the species Penguin than the species Man.

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