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Перевод: plentiful speek plentiful

изобильный; богатый


  1. Gauzlin rode there, and when Walter threatened to kill any monk whom he found on the land, Gauzlin replied that he had a plentiful supply of confessors at Fleury.
  2. So managers seek positions where power is plentiful or cheap.
  3. One very early sign of a more positive attitude, arguing that physical ageing could be delayed through a plentiful diet, regular sleep and short naps, and moderate exercise including riding and dancing, is Francis Bacon's History of Life and Death (1623).
  4. There is plentiful evidence of the emetic of the climbing!
  5. Earlier I said that on the whole our food was not bad: salads, fruits and nuts were plentiful but I had taken on my parent's tastes.
  6. Competition at all levels is plentiful and sponsorship is generous.
  7. It may well be the case that an egregious idiocy has formed the basis of a political tradition - examples of this are plentiful - but ridiculing an historical phenomenon does not explain it.
  8. When they were plentiful in the St Lawrence, the belugas were often blamed for depleting fish stocks, and the Canadian government for many years paid a bounty for each whale killed.
  9. But discontent rose again; the fine autumn, plentiful harvest and good potato crop did not lessen the murmurings of the poor.
  10. Demand in developing countries is limited by a shortage of cash and by plentiful rice supplies.
  11. "SEABASS is in plentiful supply around the islands in late summer.
  12. Gloomy interior can feel claustrophobic, front legroom is plentiful but cramped in the rear.
  13. More plentiful are Second World War 1 notes going for 4 to 5, while the rarer 10 shilling notes cost around 10.

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