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Перевод: plenum speek plenum

пленум ; заполнение; заполненность ; полнота ; безраздельность


  1. This heightened expectations that the plenum would be confrontational.
  2. Committee reports are usually adopted without debate by the plenum of the Bundestag.
  3. How could the undiluted works of Kautsky and Engels appeal to this audience at a time when even party members at lower levels rarely understood the meaning of such concrete words as "official", "categorical", "Plenum", "memorandum", or "territory"?
  4. Nikita Sergeyevich asked to be allowed to say a few words to the Central Committee plenum that would be held immediately afterwards.
  5. The plenum, which was described as stormy, decided that a formal CPSU stance on the question of CPL independence would be adopted at the next central committee plenum (scheduled for late January but subsequently deferred until February), to be based on assessments made as a result of Gorbachev's visit to Lithuania.
  6. Artificial particle beams in space plasma studies edited by Bjorn Grandal, Plenum, pp 704, 85
  7. Unconventional approaches to fusion edited by B. Brunelli and G. G. Leotta, Plenum, pp 526, 65
  8. Official reports of the Plenum indicated changing allegiances and the victory of those suspicious of reform.
  9. The group was analysing the results, which are to be discussed by a local central committee plenum today.
  10. A former editor of Izvestia, who was at the Central Committee plenum of 1964 which "accepted" the resignation of his father-in-law on the grounds of age and health, Mr Adzhubey is perfectly placed to recall the "stifling atmosphere" in the Politburo court at the time.
  11. The union treaty was considered at some length by the Central Committee plenum in December 1990; it approved a resolution calling for the "renewal and preservation of a unitary Soviet Union", a renewal that was "socialist in character".
  12. Finally, and most important of all, the Central Committee published a draft "Platform" on the national question in August 1989 setting out the basis on which it proposed to conduct the long-promised plenum, which was now to be held in September.
  13. "If we remain in unity for three months then we will win the battle," said Mr Bisztyga at a briefing before yesterday's Central Committee plenum.

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