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Перевод: plethora speek plethora

полнокровие; изобилие; большой избыток


  1. Inside, the church is the shape of the Latin cross, with a plethora of side chapels.
  2. They have been deceived by the plethora of streetnames, bridges, islands, and so forth.
  3. And on the weekend of August 31 and September 1 the celebrated park will be the venue for a popular country fair, with pipe bands, displays and a plethora of stands.
  4. Despite an indigestible plethora of consonants in the Hungarian language, they have no W. "Zee shop - how you call eet?
  5. There have been a plethora of studies at varying scales, which is a reflection of the Sahel zone's extension some 6000 km from the Atlantic to the Red Sea (Fig. 7.1) as a transition zone between the Sahara Desert and the Acacia- dominated savanna lands to the south.
  6. There has been a plethora of books on country houses over the last ten years, but author and illustrator Peter Morter and Brian Delf, have found a new and intriguing approach.
  7. PLAYING THIS WEEK TONIGHT Bop Brothers Blues Band The plethora of litigation surrounding Blues Brothers lookalikes almost matches that attached to the release of Wired, the unofficial biography of the original brother, John Belushi.
  8. When examining racial representation in films made in this country, it quickly becomes apparent that there are not the plethora of images such as exist in American mainstream cinema, nor, consequently, the range of relevant theoretical and analytical critical work available for study.
  9. He is sceptical about the plethora of management books that deaf in "grand abstractions".
  10. The plethora of published research is testimony to this.
  11. The Ecclesiologist , which began publication in 1845, complained that, instead of the true Christian symbol of the Cross, there was a plethora of classical urns, pyramids and broken columns.
  12. This interest led to a plethora of documentary work in China and Keith is planning another visit as soon as he finishes his latest project which he began last February.
  13. An impressive medieval walled town built by the Knights of St John, with a plethora of towers, battlements, mosques and the picturesque Mandraki harbour.

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