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Перевод: pleura speek pleura



  1. This demonstration helps in the understanding of a potential space (e.g. between the pleura).
  2. However, surgery is associated with a significant risk of early (anastomotic leak, bowel necrosis, pneumothorax etc) and late (anastomotic strictures requiring dilatation, colonic herniation into pleura, etc) complications.
  3. For the most part they retain their simple annular form, the terga and sterna are generally undivided shields, while the pleura are membranous and usually without differentiated sclerites.
  4. "Asbestos dust inhalation has been linked to increased risk of cancer of the lungs, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, kidneys, pleura and peritoneum
  5. Primary pleural lymphoma has been described, particularly in Japan but is said to arise most frequently from old inflammatory pleural disease, is usually of B cell type and is usually localised to the pleura.
  6. Although they are regarded as parts of the pleura they may be conveniently referred to here on account of their close association With the wing attachments.
  7. Surgery on the heart or lungs themselves, or involving opening the chest for access (e.g. to the oesophagus) directly affects function, as air enters the normally airtight pleura, causing the lung to collapse.

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