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Перевод: pleural speek pleural



  1. The Wing also articulates below with the pleural wing process.
  2. The paradox exemplified: next day, I'm at Mile End Hospital with a patient who arrived with a pleural effusion, desperately short of breath, the previous night.
  3. Separate laterosternites are sometimes found at the sides of the eusternum and fusion of the sternal and pleural regions may result in the formation of precoxal and postcoxal bridges.
  4. The coxal process is situated at the ventral extremity of the pleural sulcus.
  5. In May 1991 the patient developed pleural and liver metastases.
  6. In an attempt to account for some of the peculiarities of the sternopleural region, Ferris (1940, etc.) has argued that the greater part of the ventral side of the thorax of some insects is derived from pleural structures, but further critical study of his theory is necessary.
  7. Support for these views has been sought in the small, variable, pleural sclerites of the Apterygote insects, though recent work on these by Manton (1972) has cast serious doubt on the subcoxal theory.
  8. The anterior or basalar sclerites are never more than two in number, and lie just above the episternum, while the posterior or subalar sclerite is almost always single and lies behind the pleural wing process and above the epimeron.
  9. These sclerites are separated into two series by the pleural wing process.
  10. Whatever its origins, the pleuron of the Pterygotes (Fig. 17) is a relatively uniform structure consisting of an anterior sclerite or episternum and a posterior sclerite or epimeron, the two being separated by the pleural sulcus (also known as the pleural suture).
  11. (Figs. 17-;19) - It is sometimes considered that the pleural sclerites were derived from a primitive subcoxal segment of the leg which became flattened and incorporated into the pleural region of the body-wall.

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