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Перевод: pleurisy speek pleurisy



  1. They take short rapid breaths because of the pain on deeper inspiration; pleurisy.
  2. That 17 June 1925 he died of heart-failure following pleurisy.
  3. In her room at the Htel des Indes in The Hague she contracted pneumonia which turned to pleurisy.
  4. THE CURE's Simon Gallup was rushed to hospital last week having contracted pleurisy on the band's current European tour.
  5. He started with pleurisy which turned into pneumonia and because he wasn't a strong man it carried him off.
  6. Pneumonia or pleurisy with sharp, stitching pains in the chest, much fever, aching bones, restlessness and generally better () motion but prostration comes on, marked thirst and fever.
  7. This was because he had had TB at the end of the Great War, (the First World War) and any cold was liable to turn to pleurisy.
  8. Thou will see a cut in (it) of a polygala which is a reputed specific for pleurisy.
  9. She was X-rayed and diagnosed as suffering from pleurisy or pneumonia.
  10. Anyway, Mother became very ill with pleurisy and my father had to poultice her.
  11. Maybe it was a difficult birth - no one ever said - but Mother got up too soon because there was a lot of washing to do and contracted pleurisy.
  12. The castle surrendered on 16 June, but by that date Moore had sickened and died, of either a pleurisy or a fever.
  13. He was hit on the side of the chest in 1748 but did not die until March 1751, having contracted pleurisy four weeks previously when he was ass enough to inspect landscape gardening at Kew in icy weather.

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