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Перевод: plexiglas speek plexiglas



  1. Installation was achieved by welding a new frame to accommodate the cannon in a cone of converging steel tubes through a modified and toughened Plexiglas pivot-hole.
  2. For example polymethyl methacrylate (Perspex, Plexiglas) may be moulded to any desired shape by warming it to temperatures little over 100C and cooling it in the deformed state.
  3. Currently the companies manufacture these products under the trade names of Altuglas and Plexiglas.
  4. On the plus side, a fold-down Plexiglas cover is fitted to the front of the saw, ahead of the blade.
  5. An alarming crack also appeared in the nose Plexiglas but nothing vital fell off, no serious damage resulted and the idea's feasibility was proven with the expenditure of more rounds.
  6. Polymethylmethacrylate (Perspex or Plexiglas), however, we use in its glassy state (as said before, as a substitute for window glass, for example).

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