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Перевод: plexus speek plexus

сплетение; переплетение; запутанность


  1. In the UK, Plexus sells its products via Andersen Consulting, Hoskyns and British Telecom, through smaller organisations such as Altos distributor CST, and via hardware partners including Hewlett-Packard, NCR and DEC.
  2. The physical and emotional violence McBurney brings to the tormented king as he rages among the toys in his young son's nursery has the sickening impact of a kick in the solar plexus.
  3. The resting or cryptic stage of the trypanosome's lifecycle is actually inside the cells of the epithelium of the choroid plexus.
  4. The ability to hide in the choroid plexus would also explain why some drugs are of limited value in chemotherapy for sleeping sickness.
  5. The crytic stage in the choroid plexus may also give the "tryps" time to alter their surface antigens, and so escape destruction by the immune system; the trick that has, to date, made it impossible to construct vaccines effective against them.
  6. Further protostome diversification led to a plexus of annelids, molluscs and near relatives.
  7. But there is now some strong indirect evidence that trypanosomes also lurk in the human choroid plexus.
  8. The trypanosome parasites that are responsible for the disease survive inside the cells of the choroid plexus, the network of vessels through which blood is filtered into the cerebrospinal fluid.
  9. Plexus, which went bankrupt in 1989 following an unstable transition from hardware to software production, was subsequently rescued by Dallas, Texas-based Recognition Equipment Inc.
  10. Case Management Application, has been developed using ImageFlow in combination with Plexus' flagship XDP image processing software and is claimed to offer 70% of the core functionality needed to develop most vertical market imaging applications.
  11. He began to work on the body, aiming for the solar plexus all the time.
  12. You could then lean back and pick up the front foot, thrusting it straight into the opponent's solar plexus.

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