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Перевод: pliers speek pliers

щипцы ; клещи [тех.] ; плоскогубцы ; цанги


  1. If this process is done with a proper crimping tool there is very little chance of serious damage, although in this case it seemed by the damage done to the line that a normal pair of pliers had been used.
  2. Even if they locked him in a dark cell and pulled out all his teeth with rusty pliers, he must keep his promise to Sweetheart and tell them nothing.
  3. An alternative is to have dentist and patient and make a joke of it, with the dental instruments being a hammer and a pair of pliers and the patient made up to have a large abscess.
  4. A pair of pliers: Pliers are a real jack-of-all-trades tool - they'll grip all sorts of things you may be trying to undo or tighten up, bend things like stiff wire or metal sheet, and crimp wires together if you're doing any electrical work.
  5. They should now be secured by carefully bending their leads, using long-nosed pliers, at right angles as shown.
  6. Beneath them, on work benches, were tools which were obviously little used - large files, screwdrivers, pliers and the rest - with two sturdy vices bolted to the edge.
  7. Once -" the voice shook and hesitated for a moment " - once it was a pair of pliers.
  8. The necessary tools for making a picture frame are a mitre box, a tenon saw, a hand drill, a pin hammer, a pair of pliers and a mitre clamp or vice.
  9. Most of the time you will be using general-purpose tools such as drills, saws, and hammers, or simple tools such as a trimming knife or pliers.
  10. At least 80 prisoners arrested in August 1991, including former government ministers Abd al-Rahman Abdallah Nugdalla and Mirghani Abd al-Rahman Suleiman, were reportedly beaten with rubber truncheons, had their testicles compressed with pliers and were subject to mock executions.
  11. This being the case, it's hardly surprising that the bucket seats grip you like a pair of pliers, that the suspension shakes your spine on potholed surfaces and that the engine noise makes a stereo unnecessary, even if one was provided.
  12. Turn off the water supply to the valve, and dismantle the valve by using pliers to remove the split pin holding the float arm, then unscrew the end cap and prise out the piston.
  13. I use the 3 ones, breaking a -;1 Vee out of the rim with a pair of pliers.

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