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Перевод: plinth speek plinth

плинтус ; цоколь ; постамент


  1. It rests on a massive plinth of carboniferous limestone around the 1300-ft contour, this being based at valley level on impervious rock.
  2. He starts by sitting on the side of the plinth, and the physiotherapist may use mobilizing techniques to reduce any spasticity in the patient's trunk or arm.
  3. A classical, goblet-shaped stone urn, placed on a plinth at the end of a long, narrow lawn draws the mixed borders on either side together and integrates them.
  4. There were only two other cars at the front and they rolled to a stop alongside the plinth on which the antique cannon stood pointing out to sea like some deep-chested mongrel.
  5. If possible, raise the pump on bricks, or a small plinth.
  6. Climbing the steps through the central arch to the altar-like plinth, I see that someone has left a pot of red begonias.
  7. These mills, which sometimes have a tarred brickwork plinth with the wooden structure painted white, are more frequently converted into houses than the less enduring post mills.
  8. From the plinth you look down long rows of white crosses and plain headstones on the far side of the memorial; some say inconnu , others "A Soldier of the Great War".
  9. He placed his hand on the plinth as one might lay a hand upon a sacred object so that its virtue might flow from it to oneself.
  10. CD describes a "piece of water in the midst" but although there was originally a fountain there, by 1780 it had been displaced by the plinth of the present statue of William III added in 1808, BR 70.
  11. The physiotherapist needs at least one plinth (treatment couch), which, at about 40 inches (about 1 metre), is wider than a manipulation couch, which is usually about 24 inches (60cm) wide.
  12. The monument comprises a statue of the great man on a plinth of red granite, the plinth protected by four of Leonardo's favourite pupils, Marco d'Oggiono, Cesare da Sesto, Andrea Solaino and Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio.
  13. The patient may have his arms and upper body supported on the treatment plinth as he stands facing it, while the physiotherapist sits on a second plinth behind him.

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