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Перевод: plop speek plop

без всплеска; внезапно;
звук от падения в воду без всплеска; падение в воду;
шлепаться; хлопнуться; бултыхнуться; хлопнуть; бултыхнуть


  1. He would reach up catch the chain on the left hand side with his hook - a quick pull - a plop and on came the light - and the poor chap had to circle the city again in the morning and pull down the right hand side to extinguish them.
  2. He, as a rag doll, contorted, controlled by invisible strings, jerked one way and then the other and the sewer filled up high, not a half-foot from the top of the walls, so that his tumble, when he fell into the swamp, it was more a plop than a splash.
  3. Rain was dripping through the roof in several places, falling with a recurrent plop and splash on to the wet floor-boards.
  4. He dropped the stone and it rolled a little before falling into the water with a soft plop.
  5. "Yeah, leetle dog - plop, plop, plop," he giggled, and aped dropping ripe avocados into a basket.
  6. "Only a rose -" I began as I held out my offering to my husband and I was just about to start on the second line when a Yorkshire pudding with onion gravy flew past my head and stuck with a plop on the ceiling.
  7. There was a soft "plop" and the blue light welled out of the mantle as he closed the door, deftly trapping the light inside.
  8. Many observed features of learning and memory plop straight out of the theory.
  9. THE PLOP of the fleeing water vole, followed by an underwater smoke-screen of silt, was once a familiar indicator of the presence of these mammals on our waterways.
  10. A prim plop as it landed, sank.
  11. Seagulls overhead - hope they don't plop on me.

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