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Перевод: plotter speek plotter

заговорщик ; интриган ; построитель кривых; графопостроитель


  1. Other great GPS features include constant tracking of up to 5 available satellites, steering guidance, 7 plotter ranges with 8 plot intervals, instant event mark memory, multiple route planning, alarms, stopwatch, clock and timer.
  2. Acid house plotter jailed.
  3. The navigator plotter and bomb aimer would independently calculate the course to be flown and times to target and an agreement would be reached as to final course.
  5. Any attempt to actually draw the circle is bound to have some kind of imperfection, such as the irregularities if a bit mapped device, or servo non-linearities in an X-Y plotter.
  6. It also eliminates the need for an RPM or embedded controller on the plotter.
  7. Completed data files can be sent to a single bulk storage system or to the node containing the printer or plotter.
  9. The plotter had achieved his purpose.
  10. stereo in all cabins, Microwave oven, B G Hercules 390 Pack and Echosounder, Sailor VHF, Raytheon Radar, Shipmate Radio Navigator and Shipmate Sat Navigator, GPS Navigator and Colour Plotter (new from 1990).
  11. For Figure 8, I used a plotter, a mechanical drawing board whose moving pen is controlled by the electronic signals coming from the computer.
  12. The traditional type of plotter is known as a "flat bed" plotter because the paper is fixed to a flat plate with the gantry travelling over the top but the disadvantage is that the plotter must be at least as big as the piece of paper.

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