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Перевод: plow speek plow

плуг ; снегоочиститель ; токосниматель ; пашня ; вспаханное поле; провал ;
пахать; поддаваться вспашке; бороздить; рассекать; прокладывать с трудом; пробивать с трудом; провалить; провалиться


  1. He had not, though, for the most part, reached that fine state of civilization in which he was able to make gunpowder he never invented the wheel and the plow (1971, p.81).
  2. Peck states, "the bullards make their Appearance, habited Ten Thousand Tines more nastily than so many Witches on a Plow Monday".
  3. They praised her work two years ago in the Broadway production of David Mamet's satire on Hollywood, Speed The Plow .
  4. And plow the Present like a field,
  5. In 1936, three years before Aaron Copland, Thomson started writing film scores which were a model of unobtrusive clarity and pertinence, combining American materials to suit documentaries such as The Plow that Broke the Plains and The River with the musique d'ameublement approach of Satie.
  6. Peck in his bull-running pamphlet of 1723 insults the bullards by saying they were "habited Ten Thousand Times more nastily than so many Witches on a Plow Monday".
  7. Feeling hampered, Stephen managed to plow on with a story about a Yale graduate who was in prison for fighting the Vietnam draft.
  8. This once German land, which under Polish rule sank into misery and neglect, has been conquered for the German people by sword and plow.

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