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Перевод: plowman speek plowman

пахарь ; крестьянин


  1. Scala House District Property Co Ltd v Forbes 1974 1 QB 575 (CA) Russell, James LJJ and Plowman J
  2. It is this knowledge prompted by, and answering to, divinely inspired longing that William Langland gestures towards in Piers Plowman.
  3. Still others questioned whether any war could ever be worthwhile or just when fought between Christian and Christian; the doctrine of Christian love, such as Langland voiced in Piers Plowman , seemed incompatible with war.
  4. Among more modern works he owned Garrick's copy of Drayton's Polyolbion , a 1550 Piers Plowman, and the first edition of the works of Taylor, the Water Poet.
  5. Before the 1950s there was no such thing as a critical study of Piers Plowman , for example, or of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight .
  6. In Piers Plowman, Will's discovery of the reality of his salvation is inextricably bound up with his exasperation at the gap between the ideals of the faith and their realisation within the social fabric of Church and State.
  7. In the parliament of 1371 two Austin friars argued that in a national emergency the prince who has endowed the churches may resume their property for the good of the realm; about this time Langland was enlarging in Piers Plowman upon Holy Poverty, as were so many friars in their sermons; before the end of the reign Wyclif, spokesman for Gaunt, especially against his wealthy political enemy, Bishop Wykeham of Winchester, was denying the right of priests to hold any property.
  8. For what this might involve, the historian must rely on literary material, and Langland's dialogue, between Piers and Hunger in the B text of Piers Plowman rings painfully true as a description of peasant hardship in the pre-potato age.
  9. Pliny described it as being of use, if scattered in a pool, for curing unhealthy fish; it was said to have been grown in the Emperor Charlemagne's herb garden; Ion the Gardener who wrote the first book about gardening in Britain included it as his favourite herb, and it was mentioned in Langland's famous poem Piers Plowman.
  10. In that country the original intention was to oppose the compulsory arbitration system which employers had regarded as a fundamental challenge to management rights, and subsequently to disseminate information and advice to association members "in interpreting the maze of awards, classifications and legislation that the system was producing" (Plowman, 1980, p. 253).
  11. Plowman J stated at p596: The arrangement in my view must be looked at as a whole, and looked at in this way, I find it impossible to say that the Respondent did not provide the trustee with an income in the sense in which the word provided is used in what is now TA 1988, s663 that is to say, as importing an element of bounty.
  12. I stayed with Plowman, the Consul, and his wife: they had been in Addis Ababa for the coronation and had invited me to visit them at Harar.
  13. Now Steve's lawyer Martin Plowman is going to court in a bid to get the council decision overturned.

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