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Перевод: ploy speek ploy

уловка ; хитрость ; занятие; излюбленное развлечение; затея


  1. In America this ploy is known as the California syndrome, after the hypocrites who invented out-of-state nuclear power.
  2. The religious element was a ploy, as was everything else.
  3. Henry's ploy was simply to lie.
  4. The most paranoid account held it was all a cunning ploy on Quiksilver's part, a mirage of advertising and hype.
  5. But in the market at that time the ploy was far from enough to make the new models seem like bargains.
  6. After a public haranguing from Atkinson at Highfield Road, the manager adopted a ploy which would have had Ferguson spluttering into his orange juice.
  7. What we have here is another American phenomenon: the marketing ploy.
  8. As a marketing ploy, apparently nothing moves Britain's top weekly colour mag off the shelves faster than a besotted star mum cradling a baby.
  9. And the larger a parrot's bill, the less likely it was to attack a mirror reflecting its own image (a standard ploy which convinces most birds that they are confronted by a particularly nasty-looking aggressor).
  10. Not having the courage for this ploy, I just went without.
  11. A usual ploy was to have to re-tie one's gym shoe just as one's turn came round, but it only staved off the evil moment.
  12. That was John Major's ploy on Tuesday.
  13. He admitted his hit factory had stagemanaged much of her career, using the age-old ploy of staying ahead of the game.

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