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Перевод: pluck speek pluck

дерганье; дергающее усилие; ливер ; потроха ; смелость ; отвага ; мужество; провал ;
срывать; собирать; щипать; выдергивать; ощипывать; общипывать; перебирать; обирать; обманывать; проваливать


  1. Like Fanny Walden, he was a small player who could upset opponents by sheer pluck combined with skill, and he soon became a popular figure at Leeds Road.
  2. Carefully, almost lovingly, he pulled the instrument across his knees and began to pluck at the strings with a plectrum fashioned from tortoise-shell.
  3. Thus Trematon fell, its womenfolk were " stripped of their apparel to their very smocks and their fingers broken to pluck away the rings".
  4. If it has taken two weeks of nail-biting finally to pluck up courage to visit a clinic, only to be greeted by an unsympathetic or gruff receptionist, who demands details you had not expected to have to give in a loud voice, the temptation to cut and run may be overwhelming.
  5. It takes some pluck but, as you'll see, the results can be sensational!
  6. Vladek, like Rupert, is the epitome of pluck: jaunty, stouthearted and as resourceful as he is intrepid.
  7. Just pluck the name from a film's credits, and forget the rest of the list.
  8. Pluck, Mr,
  9. The actual story of Franco-Huron duplicity, Mohican heroism and British obstinacy allied with female pluck becomes addictive, even exciting, particularly in the pursuit of the villainous Magua.
  10. Affecting nonchalance, I pluck it up, and begin nuzzling; and, yes, it is a fairly rewarding sort of thing to eat.
  11. One is that academic research should pluck the fruits of the contemporary political agenda and lend credibility to vogue and vague notions that may fleetingly assume a high profile, reify concepts that are of the moment and endow them with the status of real analytical phenomena.
  12. This image-conscious city got some relief from being the place where Kennedy was killed as a result of "Dallas", a television series glorifying the pluck and greed of the oil patch.
  13. "As I got to the platform, there was the driver surrounded by three other BR staff watching him pluck the bird.

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