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Перевод: plucky speek plucky

смелый; отважный; решительный


  1. Plucky creatures
  2. Bystanders breathe "The plucky old fool."
  3. "War starts at midnight" screams the bald-headed general when his steam bath is interrupted by a plucky Home Guard soldier who has launched a premature start to a military exercise.
  4. The plucky Ms Simonsen, not accustomed to being on the wrong end of a double Bacardi, took a principled feminist stance, complained to the management and insisted that the local police were called.
  5. John-Paul Ziller is variously a drugs dealer, magician and con man, personifying - like Rinehart in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man - the flux of narrative stances; Plucky Purcell, as his name suggests, represents the narrator of adventures and Marx Marvellous ("your host and narrator") embodies Robbins's role as narrative compre, constantly leading us into new episodes with an appropriate verbal flourish.
  6. The search for subjects that would appeal to audiences narrowed the range of films made, and resulted in a sometimes excessive reliance on stories involving naughty boys, magic drinks, plucky dogs pursuing criminals and clothes left lying around for tramps to pick up.
  7. But her plucky manner in the witness box clearly won over the jury of eight men and four women.
  8. Never in the history of beadling has such a singular public service been performed as by that plucky band of Batmen.
  9. Not all the content is quite so melodramatic, and the same filmmaker's Our Little Errand Boy (1905) is a fabulous slapstick comedy about a plucky prankster who terrorizes his neighbourhood and, when pursued by the vicar, the shopkeeper, the matron and various others, locks them all behind the wire mesh of a chicken run.
  10. The modern historical novel has been particularly successful in giving convincing pictures of moments of history as experienced by young women as well as "plucky boys": Jill Paton Walsh's A parcel of patterns , Hester Burton's Time of trial , and K. M. Peyton's Flambards novels are examples and, as experienced by "the lower orders", Barbara Willard's Ned only and K. M. Peyton's The right-hand man .
  11. I thought it plucky of the Labour party to sing Jerusalem at one of Mr Kinnock's beanos last week.
  12. It's hard, then, not to feel sympathy for Kevin Keegan and Peter Shilton, both of whom have recently abandoned pleasant existences (as wealthy horse-breeder and plucky net-minder respectively) to don shiny suits and shiny smiles, and stand beside worried-looking club chairmen at press conferences to promise greatness ahead for their new teams.
  13. The Allens are a cheery, plucky family

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