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Перевод: plum speek plum

сливовый; полный; тучный;
сливовое дерево; слива ; изюм ; пудинг с изюмом; лакомый кусочек; сливки ; доходное место; выгодный заказ; темно-фиолетовый цвет


  1. I smile at Miss Plum with all my available teeth.
  2. A mouse found a beautiful piece of plum cake,
  3. Plum cake and cheese and a mug of strong, black tea in case you were still falling apart.
  4. As a result, it is hardly surprising that everything from Patches to the Daily Telegraph employs at least one rock correspondent, from a teenage school-leaver in doorstep Nikes and a back-to-front baseball cap to some affable dilettante with a plum in his mouth and old school tie.
  5. "Decadent Plum?
  6. After that the plum parts began to roll in.
  7. That evening Sid and I dined off piping hot oxtail soup, steak and kidney pie, followed by a very rich plum duff, all washed down with a bottle of French cider, given to us by the old Frenchman who lived in the cottage near the entrance to the orchard.
  8. "I expect that you are looking forward to the week-end, Miss Plum.
  9. More controversally, he has been accused of giving plum EBRD jobs to former communists, but he defends the policy.
  10. The strawberry, plum, peach, black cherry and apricot jams are said to have a high fruit content and contain no artificial colours or preservatives.
  11. A few apple, pear and plum varieties are cross-sterile and cannot pollinate each other, while some apples and pears are biennial bearers and thus will not supply pollen each year.
  12. They had a cavernous basement room which they had painted apricot and white, to cheer it up; it was furnished with a double divan, two very old arm-chairs with curvaceous rolled arms and head-rests, plum and plushy and dusty, a second-hand stained-oak office desk, where Roland worked, and a newer varnished beech desk, where the typewriter sat.
  13. There are winding green paths through dense corridors of perennials, all plum and violet, rose-pink and silver; there are corkscrews and pyramids of box, green exclamation marks defining the Tuscan temple; there is a full and frothing white garden crisply held in check by clipped evergreens, a laburnum walk and a wooden Doric temple wreathed in clematis.

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