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Перевод: plumbing speek plumbing

водопроводное дело; водопроводная система; водопровод ; прокладка труб; измерение глубины; уборная


  1. Then a guy in Denver called up and told me that I should go to a plumbing supply place and try a piece of pipe, because that way you can find one that fits your finger, and I've been using the same slide ever since 1967, I believe."
  2. Despite these house price rises, housing conditions in Manchester remained poor with almost 30 per cent lacking exclusive plumbing facilities.
  4. The convoy, who met up at Dover, consisted of a number of large vehicles, carrying essential supplies such as food, building, plumbing and electrical equipment for the orphanage.
  5. It's a piece of pipe that I got at a plumbing supply place; I bought a twelve foot piece of pipe and had it cut into pieces a little over an inch long.
  6. JB Weld works on iron, steel, aluminium, bronze, brass, copper, pewter, all woods, ceramics and plastics, and it applications are endless - mechanical, automotive, plumbing, around the home, and around the garden.
  7. We saw it as an opportunity to demystify the male worlds of plumbing, electricity and carpentry.
  8. "I suppose plumbing isn't the most glamorous job in the world."
  9. Stotesbury ordered gold-plated plumbing in her car on the grounds that it would "save so much polishing, you know".
  10. Check all built-in cupboards, doors and door furniture; windows (inside and out) and sills (inside and out); walls, skirtings and architraves; picture rails and ceilings; electrical outlets and lighting; radiators and valves; finally plumbing and floors (where the carpet can be lifted).
  11. Another unique feature is the water vascular system, a system of internal plumbing that drives the tube feet : mobile, club-shaped sacs arranged in serried ranks on the outside of the animal, which operate in harmony to convey food to the mouth, or in locomotion.
  12. The plumbing shuddered
  13. Just be sure to consider the structural condition, wiring and plumbing and check that the person who prepares the base and erects the conservatory has been suitably trained, says Peter Moon, Conservatory Association secretary.

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