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Перевод: plummet speek plummet

свинцовый отвес; гирька отвеса; гирька ; грузило; лот ; груз ; тяжесть ;
стремительно падать


  1. He has to compose around something, so his isolating (once strident) individualism sets him up for a Bowiesque plummet into British nationalism and a flirtation with racism with overtures to the Nazis.
  2. With a post officer close to retirement and a garage owner struggling with ill health, Parnell was desperate not to let the quality of village life plummet.
  3. At one stage, moviegoers can choose to see the villain plummet from a window, rescue the heroine or be sprayed with Mace attack repellent.
  4. Successive home defeats, this one by a single goal, have seen them plummet from second to 10th, and their next two games are away to the leaders, Sheffield United, and at home to second-placed Sunderland.
  5. Quinine caused fevers to plummet; morphine dramatically reduced pain; atropine, codeine, aspirin and other drugs, isolated from the old herbal preparations, had instant and theatrical effects.
  6. "But if it falls below the 2.95 level against the Deutschemark, sterling will plummet.
  7. Hotel values plummet
  8. Temperatures during the long Mercurian night would probably plummet to below zero.
  9. During the winter months when snow is seldom absent and the temperature can plummet to -40C, the mission travelled about 1,500 miles across Siberia to Yeniseysk, at which they turned south-east and followed the wild, raging Angara River for 1,300 miles through deep-cut, tree-clad highlands to Irkutsk and the magnificent Lake Baykal.
  10. km that contains four fields, the removal of a single field will cause numbers to plummet to less than 20.
  11. An accountant is rooted to the spot as sheets of glass plummet towards her.
  12. Except in the unlikely event that rates soon plummet, it could cost the bank up to 100m this year.
  13. As past the plunge of plummet,

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