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Перевод: plumpness speek plumpness

полнота ; округлость


  1. At the same time, however, it should have a weighty feel and there should be a plumpness to the leather.
  2. Feminine plumpness was expanding, masculine girths straining at belts.
  3. It seemed almost too small to contain the swelling plumpness of her upper body.
  4. Her plumpness never restricted her movements.
  5. She swapped plumpness, flowered frocks and mousey hair for leanness, strict tailoring and blonde streaks.
  6. "I'll go down an' bring it all up," said Ella, whose energy kept her plumpness active.
  7. As soon as she gave up dancing in the line to supervise the school, her nubile appearance became plump as she enjoyed dining well, a pleasure shared with John where the plumpness developed into fatness.
  8. And while a little plumpness may not do much harm, being very fat is a definite health hazard, increasing the risk of heart disease, gall bladder disease, some cancers and arthritis.
  9. He was a thin old man with a monocle on a black ribbon, the plumpness came from their mother.
  10. "Was that you callin', ducky?" asked Mrs Beavis, her apron doing its best to fit itself around her plumpness, and a plate containing a large segment of sausage and onion pie in her hand.
  11. His wife was inclined to plumpness but it was a pretty plumpness, a happy plumpness.

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