Перевод: plunder
[существительное] грабеж ; разграбление; хищение; добыча ; награбленное добро; барыш ; [глагол] грабить; разбойничать; разграбить; расхищать; воровать; разворовывать
- There they'd lit a fire and cooked the rice, but before starting to eat they'd made an offering to Ban Bhi, god of the forest, asking permission to plunder his lands.
- In earlier days they had actually earned their living by war and become rich from the plunder they could collect on their annual expeditions.
- There was, of course, a conflict between the traditional right of generals to dispose of their plunder as they saw fit, by rewarding themselves, their relatives and supporters, and their obligation to the state to supply money and the visible trappings of power.
- For example, in the case of Rome in the third century BC, we can calculate that the total amount of silver coinage produced was small in comparison with Rome's "income" at the time, as defined by plunder, tribute and indemnities, and we can thereby see that silver coinage played only a minor role in the economy.
- For many Arab people, their ambivalence about supporting Saddam Hussein is secondary to their desperate need to rid themselves of a system imposed by outside forces; a system that enables a small ruling Arab elite to plunder the region's resources, siphoning off cheap oil to the West, while millions of Arabs live in dire poverty, struggling to survive the economic blows dealt to the Arab nation by the West.
- Certainly, no-one devising a system of government for a late twentieth-century industrial democracy would give the right to alter legislation to a group of people whose only qualification is the fact that at some time in the dim and distant past a grateful monarch rewarded the loyalty, bravery, intrigue, obsequiousness or blackmail of an ancestor with the grant of a title and the profits of plunder.
- Organic mulches increase worm and insect activity, so it's not surprising and, we fear, inevitable that blackbirds and others sometimes plunder these mulches in search of food.
- And how can it be construed as reasonable that the US and their Western allies continue to control and plunder the oil resources in the Arab region via puppet regimes such as those they have directly installed in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, while the Arab World, like the rest of the "Third World", finds itself experiencing an ever increasing and intolerable poverty at the hands of Western capitalism and imperialism.
- Wire netting is the best defence against rabbits and squirrels, which will chew through plastic netting to plunder fruit crops.
- Toftingall is at the centre of Caithness and in times past was the meeting place for local clans, who gathered there prior to setting off south in search of revenge, plunder or just a jolly good fight.
- But no medieval kingdom would seem even tolerably peaceful to a modern visitor; and it was not until after Otto I's great victory over the Magyars at the Lechfeld in 955 that the fear of invasion and plunder from outside Germany was forgotten.
- When Arthur Wellesley was in command of the British troops in Spain he refused to pay for their upkeep by pillage and plunder.
- Because of it they simply could not plunder on ahead without thinking.
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