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Перевод: plunge speek plunge

ныряние; погружение;
нырять; погружать; окунать; погружаться; окунаться; бросаться; врываться; бросаться вперед; ввергать; азартно играть; влезать в долги; всаживать; вляпаться


  1. "And John's jacket, I see, survived the plunge into the ditch."
  2. There is also a wide range of sporting activities to enjoy: a gymnasium with the latest fitness and toning equipment, dance and relaxation classes, indoor swimming pool, sauna, steam rooms, plunge, whirl and splash pools, archery, tennis, cycling, croquet.
  3. February car sales plunge
  4. SHARE prices slumped in Hong Kong yesterday when investors took fright at the continued plunge in Tokyo.
  5. The plunge in new car sales in Britain finally showed signs of bottoming out in September.
  6. But there can be problems and it is wise to read up on the subject and take professional advice before you make the plunge.
  7. The market plunge on October 13 when the Dow Jones index fell 190 points was a factor, said spokesman Steven Fagan.
  8. In Structuralist Poetics Culler took an unenthusiastic view of deconstructionism, but he shortly returned to the United States and succumbed to the deconstructive wave that swept through the American academy in the late seventies, and into which I did not feel inclined to plunge.
  9. The move is a morale booster for Forte, two weeks before its results, which are expected to show a profits plunge to about 70 million.
  10. Inspired by the Sixties, we asked a few brave souls to take the plunge and dress up like latter-day Twiggys.
  11. Then, in a dream-like sequence at the end of the first half, they are seen raiding the nursery at Rossillion, where they proceed to plunge their swords into a defenceless rocking-horse.
  12. Earlier reports that Chancellor Kohl had suggested delaying fixing the date for a special EC conference on monetary union for a year had led to a stark and none too veiled warning from the President of the European Commission, Mr Jacques Delors, that this might plunge EC relations with West Germany "into a serious crisis".
  13. Though he took his professional plunge into the Ministry of Labour soon afterwards, Sisson also began writing, taking the outsider's route by contributing to obscure journals of the heterodoxy.

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