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Перевод: plunk speek plunk

со звоном; со шлепаньем;
сильный удар; звон музыкального инструмента; перебор ;
перебирать струны; звенеть; шлепнуть; бухнуть; сильно ударять; шлепаться; бухнуться


  1. And the f the the younger apprentices used to plunk on a Monday afternoon and all go along to Street to the this and she says, You didn't need to buy sweeties it was the rails of the gallery were sticking with toffee.
  2. Reportedly they were ready to plunk down 426m, a figure Kavner pulled from the air at the end of a previous meeting when they offered 385m.
  3. I felt the pathos of this remark, as all he could do on the banjo was strum "plunk plunk plunk" over and over again.

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