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Перевод: pluperfect speek pluperfect

давнопрошедший; предпрошедший [грам.];
давнопрошедшее время [грам.]


  1. In an M-tense system we can easily distinguish past (events completed prior to CT), from present (events whose span includes CT), from future (events succeeding CT); we can further distinguish points from spans (Lyons, 1977a: 683); and we can also make first approximations to complex tenses like the Pluperfect, by representing events that are prior to other events, which are themselves prior to CT (Reichenbach, 1947: 288ff; see also Allwood, Andersson Dahl, 1977: 121ff).
  2. For example, the Latin epistolary tenses used past tense for events including CT, pluperfect for events prior to CT - in other words the deictic centre was projected into the future, the recipients' RT (Lakoff, 1970: 847).
  3. Always assuming the unlikelihood of ever getting on disc a pluperfect realisation of Bartk's Second Violin Concerto , this new release from the prodigiously-gifted Anne-Sophie Mutter will come close enough for most people.
  4. This was the first sensible suggestion she had heard from the headmaster since she had come to Burleigh School, one week after the beginning of Spring term (her predecessor having expired, Kennedy's Latin Primer in hand, in the middle of the pluperfect of Amo with Form 2B).

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