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Перевод: plural speek plural

множественный; многочисленный; разнообразный;
множественное число; слово во множественном числе


  1. Culturally and linguistically, Britain offers a nexus of increasingly plural possibilities, a promising ground for a postmodernism which may in the future develop more strongly in Britain than it has hitherto.
  2. Managers were having to cope with plural and often competing professional expectations and priorities, in pursuit of which professions were prepared to use their power and resist management initiatives.
  3. One possibility relates to the many cases where plural reference is made under conditions which our results show to be relatively unfavourable.
  4. Asked about grammar, the panelists strongly resisted confusions of singular and plural, as in "anyone who isn't happy can take their grievance to the arbitrators".
  5. Within the framework which we are currently developing (an extension of the framework of Sanford Garrod (1981; Garrod Sanford 1982) a plural reference is possible if two (or more) atomic elements map into a common role-slot.
  6. If experimentally it is shown that there is no difference in the number of plural continuations which occur with two names and with two roles, then we would conclude that common description type (rather than description content) is a major force in controlling the likelihood of plural reference.
  7. This is closely related to the more general idea of a common association base (CAB): the argument is that some sort of conceptual link has to be formed between individuals which have been introduced if they are to be referred to by a plural pronoun.
  8. I could tell him when his crown's starting to fall off and remind him of the royal plural - and, well, lots of things!
  9. The situations chosen were so chosen in order to achieve a reasonable level of plural continuations.
  10. In these cases, pronominal reference is naturally plural, as with they , them , these , and so on.
  11. The word translated "God" is plural in form, and though in the vast majority of its occurrences in the Old Testament it means "God", it can equally well mean "gods", or "divine or supernatural beings", including river demons and evil spirits of the night.
  12. If this conjecture is at all sound, then the distribution of occurrences of both in conjunction with a pronoun should be more prevalent in just those cases where plural references are in the minority, i.e. in the "with" condition, and in the mixed description condition.
  13. If anything the Land Campaign and the Liberal plan to abolish plural voting before a possible 1915 general election offered the prospect of another Conservative defeat, and the Conservatives themselves were almost certain this would be the case.

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