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Перевод: pluralism speek pluralism

совместительство; плюрализм


  1. Besides ecclesial and liturgical pluralism, theological pluralism is also commended - a genuine diversity "even in the theological elaborations of revealed truth" ( Unitatis Redintegratio 4), the natural consequence of the "lawful freedom of theological enquiry to which laity and clergy alike have a right" ( Gaudium et Spes 62).
  2. It is simply a method of filtering political inputs to produce elite pluralism (Aron, 1950) rather than monoelite domination.
  3. Two years ago, when the hard-line Communist Party still held the country in an iron grip, Dr Berisha, the son of Muslim peasants, was one of the first intellectuals to call for democracy and pluralism.
  4. It is nevertheless a fractured kind of pluralism which reflects the political situation and in turn helps, to a large extent, to define and create the situation it reports.
  5. They support a genial pluralism in English studies, encouraging a hundred flowers to bloom, though putting up a cautious resistance to the extremes of foreign ideology and theory.
  6. The evils of pluralism were rife, absenteeism was common and taken for granted.
  7. They further expressed reservations about the concept of pluralism and maintained an objectivist stance on the relationship between the Roman catholic understanding of the natural law, as the Irish bishops saw it, and the duties of the modern state:
  8. Governmental pluralism was not of course peculiar to the early modern period.
  9. Pluralism.
  10. Old certainties - the idea of a fundamental division between "realism" and "experimentalism", for example - have been superseded by a new pluralism.
  11. Moreover, in the stress on the pluralism of institutions and practices that organise sexuality, he goes further towards a neo-functionalism, and Foucault at times seems in danger of meeting up, as Nicos Poulantzas has put it, "with an old tradition of Anglo-Saxon sociology and political science, running from functionalism to institutionalism - from Parsons, to Merton, Dahl, Lasswell, and Etzioni - a tradition in which the centre of analysis is shifted from the state towards the "pluralism of micropowers"."
  12. Yet in practice this view was not extended to take in the case of gender: the advances made as a result of the critique of behaviourism and pluralism did not go on to question the assumptions and mechanisms that continue to define politics as the affair of men.

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