Перевод: plurality
[существительное] множественность ; множество; совместительство; большинство голосов; относительное большинство голосов
- Unlike Hobbes, he does not think that words are general by being collective names for a number of particulars; "they do not signify a plurality."
- They argue that industrialized societies are characterized by a plurality of cultural goals and these vary systematically among individuals in different strata and many individuals in the lower strata have limited and realistic ambitions.
- The London Boroughs had last been contested in 1986 when Labour won exactly half of all the seats and a small plurality in votes cast - see Table 1.
- The vicar also held the chaplaincy of the deserted hamlet of Horn in plurality, but it yielded only a trifling 13s. 4d., and he seems to have had no other benefice.
- In the shadow of that history there is all the more to appreciate about the way progressive movements in our time have turned things around, and begun positively to identify the difference of the other: "the emphasis on discontinuity, the celebration of difference and heterogeneity, and the assertion of plurality as opposed to reductive unities - these ideas have animated almost an entire generation of literary and cultural critics" (Mohanty, "Us and Them", 56 - 7).
- But this will need constant nurturing if it is to develop into an appreciation of the richness of poetry, where words are "alive with a plurality of meanings from their contexts, their associations and their sensory qualities; they are alive with what Ted Hughes calls "the goblin in a word''" (this quotation is from Michael Benton's essay on "The Importance of Poetry in Children's Learning", from the NATE book Lessons in English Teaching and Learning 1988) (p. 148).
- There is, after all, a rich plurality of means and intents in a painting.
- In two-party systems with plurality voting rules which protect established parties from new entrants, and where the major parties are so internally democratic that party elites must satisfy the "extreme" preferences of their activists, party manifestos can easily become "over-polarized" compared with most voters' views (Finer, 1980).
- Firstly, the text is plural in itself with different sub-texts, and secondly, the reader brings to the text a plurality of texts.
- But it does not follow that finite forms are superfluous because religion has to find expression in concrete forms, and the plurality of particular religions is necessary for the complete manifestation of religion.
- Accordingly, first up were East Village, Heavenly's wild card from early on, when their timeless swoonings and groomings were seen as making some case for the plurality of the dance scene from which Heavenly first hatched.
- The "dialogic", which involves a plurality of voices, was particularly characteristic of the novel.
- The many pages of detailed argument in this judgment about the plurality and inexactitude of scientific consensus generally, and of epidemiology in particular, will provide the Houdinis in the industry's public relations sections with a feast of prestigious quotations and one liners.
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