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Перевод: plush speek plush

плюшевый; плисовый; шикарный; роскошный;
плюш ; плис ; плисовые штаны


  1. Its plush interior (full leather trim is about a 1000 option) is roomy enough for five to sit in comfort.
  2. This was essentially a room for transacting business, though if Fournier's picture is reliable, the Emperor seems to have sat at an inconvenient height at his desk in a small chair, covered in green plush, so low that once seated in it, writing must have been difficult.
  3. Dark panelling; tall glass-fronted bookcases full of great leather-bound books; solid brown furniture; shabby plush chairs; shabbier plush curtains hanging at high sash windows, and several very new watercolours of sailing vessels in gilt frames which looked uncomfortably out of place on the sombre walls.
  4. It was magnificently low-slung, almost like a sports car, but with four plush leather seats and a thrusting bonnet.
  5. His annual conference reception, at the plush Grand Hotel in Brighton, was marred by what he was reported to have described as a "media circus" of camera crews and reporters as former employees protested at their treatment.
  6. The limited design vocabulary used in modern refurbishment and pub design has led to a proliferation of etched and "stained" glass; dark mahogany-stained bars; marble-topped cast-iron tables; shelves of unread books, bottles, plates and brasses; deep-buttoned plush upholstery; patterned carpets and wallpaper; and brass ceiling fans.
  7. I am not, after all," she said, looking around her domain with a distinct smile, "running a house of ill repute, which is what I fear the present title of Madame seems to suggest, along with bead curtains, red velvet plush love seats, champagne buckets and other such fittings and accoutrements which are not our style at all these days.
  8. A Steiff gold plush Teddy Bear, circa 1910, only 8 high, named Marmaduke, brought 1,200 and wooden Noah's Ark 29 long x 18 high with 16 carved wooden animals and 7 birds went for 1,000.
  9. Rollo loved being taken to the gilt and plush ambience of Rules in Covent Garden, to which his riposte was Lock-Obers in Boston, which he protested was not so good.
  10. The couturiers and mannequins of the fashion world breathed a perfumed sigh of relief as the thin wisps of white smoke finally emerged from the muscular chimneys of the plush Legover Square headquarters of publishers Cond Nast Can we have the article now please - Ed.
  11. Millions of British motorists are driving cars more plush than they would ever choose to own were they handed the extra money and told to spend it themselves.
  12. He might be downstairs in the plush lounge, or in his own room talking to Lee.
  13. Plush modern hotels are likely to be oozing formaldehyde vapour.

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