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Перевод: plushy speek plushy

плюшевый; роскошный; шикарный


  1. She made the headlines by having a glass of wine thrown over her at the plushy Caprice restaurant in London.
  2. Ron Paget's Rover stood outside the Swan, the more plushy of the two pubs.
  3. I conjured up a vivid representation of the plushy murk in the Theatre Royal, I saw the shiny tip of the hypodermic gleaming against the dark fabric of The Fat Controller's trouser leg.
  4. They had a cavernous basement room which they had painted apricot and white, to cheer it up; it was furnished with a double divan, two very old arm-chairs with curvaceous rolled arms and head-rests, plum and plushy and dusty, a second-hand stained-oak office desk, where Roland worked, and a newer varnished beech desk, where the typewriter sat.

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